sabato 30 novembre 2013

A small but annoying bug has been detected and corrected.
Our company apologizes to customers. The correct version of the engine can be downloaded HERE, at no additional cost.

This is not a new version, but the necessary replacement.

Our Customer Service apologizes for the inconvenience. The programmer will be punished with 50 lashes on his back.

The Galactic General Manager

The national team of Nordic skiing of Western Sahara would like to thank all those who have downloaded DeepSaros.

Thanks for the help, guys!!

venerdì 29 novembre 2013

Deep Saros ver. 4.1.3

Ok, this version seems quite competitive, and should not make a bad impression...

DeepSaros now supports the new Robbabases through dynamic link library, as in the latest versions of Ivanhoe:

  • To use the Robbabases, in windows version, you must put the file "RobboBaseLib.dll" in the same folder of the engine, or in the immediately higher.

  • To use the Robbabases, in linux version, you must put the file "" in the same folder of the engine, or in the immediately higher.

A tip: assign to PawnsHash, about 1/8 of the Hash.
You can also try to assign 1/4 of the Hash...

Price: Deep Saros costs lots of money ... $ 0.000, but the 0, 0001% of revenues will be paid to the Nordic ski team of the Western Sahara.

giovedì 28 novembre 2013

The latest version was a bit "merry". At this moment, I'm testing the new version 4.1.3 which is proving quite competitive.
To check if the engine sounds good, I'm running a match against Stockfish (24 games).

CPU : AMD 8350-FX 8 cores
O.S. : Windows-7 Ultimate Professional (SP-1)
GUI : Arena 3.0
Book: "Libra 8 moves.abk"
Hash : 2048 MBytes
Time : 60 min. / game

Partial result (after 6 games):

ATTILA, 2013.11.27 - 2013.11.28
Punteggio medio: 3000  (Categoria 30)
                                  Rtng    Score     123456   Perf Chg
 1: DeepSaros_413_popcnt_w64      3000   3.5 /  6   1==0=1   3057  +5
 2: Stockfish_13111017_x64_modern 3000   2.5 /  6   0==1=0   2943  -5
6 games: +2 =3 -1

The match will continue tonight, with other 6 games...

The engine is doing well! I have not tested it on short time controls (blitz, bullet, etc.), but, frankly, they do not interest me.

Download PGN of first 6 games 

lunedì 25 novembre 2013

Deep Saros ver. 4.1.2 "Dynamic".

This is an experimental version which focuses on the dynamic game.
It is not suited to the challenges "computer Vs. computer", but I prepared for personal use. The goal of this release is to find sharp and original variations for O.T.B. players.

This version is not appropriate for lovers of exciting tests based on thousands of one-minut-games!

lunedì 18 novembre 2013

Haste is a bad counselor...
This version is substantially equal to the previous one, but corrects an annoying defect of the Time Manager.

Download DeepSaros 4.1.1 
Version 4.1.0 is now ready!

  • fixed a stupid error in the 32-bit versions;
  • correction of some minor bugs (increased playing strength?);
  • changed the Time Manager (though, I'm still not satisfied);
  • some changes in the evaluation functions (increased playing strength?);

Download ver. 4.1.0

mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

DeepSaros 4.0.0 is an U.C.I. chess engine derived from the free engine Ivanhoe ver. 999952a.
DeepSaros is, for me, essentially a toy to have fun and experiment

New in this version:
  • Time Manager completely rewritten;
  • Refinement of the evaluation functions;
  • some experiments in a search function and in the cutting of nodes;
  • Fix some bugs.
Downolad (include 32 bit versions!)