domenica 3 agosto 2014

A couple of short tests (rev.6) ...

GUI : Arena 3.0
Level: blitz 40/3 (repeated)
Hardware: AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor with 15,7 GB Memory
O.S. : Windows 7 Ultimate Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit

ATTILA, 2014.08.03
Punteggio medio: 3000  (Categoria 30)
                       Rtng    Score     123456   Perf Chg
 1: DeepSaros_eXp-x64  3000   4.5 /  6   1=1=1=   3193 +15
 2: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 3000   1.5 /  6   0=0=0=   2807 -15

ATTILA, 2014.08.03
Punteggio medio: 3000  (Categoria 30)
                      Rtng    Score     123456   Perf Chg
 1: Komodo-tcec-64bit 3000   3.5 /  6   1=====   3057  +5
 2: DeepSaros_eXp-x64 3000   2.5 /  6   0=====   2943  -5

Download PGN files

The victory of Komodo is the result of a little magic in the end-game:

DeepSaros_eXp - Komodo-TCEC
FEN: 2R5/3r3k/1p1p3p/1n1Pp3/1PN1Pp2/5P1b/5K1P/4N3 w - - 0 46

It looks good, but the abandonment of the line "c" will prove fatal.

46... Rc7!
Komodo has understood everything!

47.Nxb6 Rc1 48.Ra5 Nd4!

After 48... Nd4!

Black now easily recover the sacrificed pawn, while the Rook bring ruin in the enemy's rear... This is the only game lost by DeepSaros in this test.

sabato 2 agosto 2014

DeepSaros regains his old warrior spirit.

This version is a variant of rev.6, more daring and aggressive... I like it!
Ideal for chess players who want to find plans sharp and brave.

An example of the style of game DeepSaros rev. 6h:

Game Fire-3 - DeepSaros_eXp
FEN: 4k3/pp1b1p1B/1q2p3/1PbpP2p/P5r1/2r3P1/3NQPKP/R2R4 b - - 4 21

21... Rxa4! 22.Rxa4 Bxb5 23.Nc4 Bxc4!? 24.Qxh5 Qb5



venerdì 1 agosto 2014

DeepSaros_eXp - rev.6

Download: DeepSaros_eXp rev.6

 Deep_Saros "eXp" - rev.6
Deep_Saros is a fork of an old version of the engine Ivanhoe, to be precise it's ver. 999952a.
A special thanks to all the Decembrists for their excellent work and for having made available the source code.

Improved search routines
Improved Time Manager
Improved evaluation functions

MultiThreading     : enable / disable multi-threading
Cores              : number of cores (physical cores, not threads)
Ponder             : self-explanatory
MultiPV            : self-explanatory
SendCurrmove       : disabled, for a greater speed
TimeBookExitMoves  : extends the analysis for n semi-moves, on exit of the book
Hash               : min 1, max 65536, default 128
PawnsHash          : Hash / 8 or Hash / 4, default 64